Life is a desperate journey, during which we all exert best to look for what we always wanted. Bree is desperate for a perfect life, Lynette raising children carefreely, Susan a right man and Gabrielle an escape for a fresh marriage. But in the end, they all lose. Still desperate
James Ivory的剧本改编神奇地主导了视觉如果去掉意大利背景几乎像是本人作品删去了小说里略显戏剧化和跳脱的一些桥段整体感觉比小说更好只是关于那些极私密的感觉的影像化处理恋爱辅助器无遮羞 全集最终还是让人感觉有些距离【美茶最后的特写哭戏强无敌